Photo Albums

Please have a look at our pictures to see members of the Hardcastle Family. Check out our forums to interact with other Hardcastle Family members, and go to our Facebook page to see what other friends and distant relatives have joined us there.

Album Contents


Looking from back to front of cemetery

Entrance Arch

Another view from back to front

Historical Information Sign

Yet another view from back to front

Beautiful Oak Tree at Entrance

That's me scanning for names

Another sign

I'm still walking!

One side of entrance

Walking on

Other side of entrance

Overview of Thomas C. Hardcastle plot

Overview of South side of cemetery

Thomas and Ann Hardcastle

Overview of William F. Hardcastle plot

A beautiful ending

Another Hardcastle marker


Album: Bayou Meto Cemetery, Jacksonville, AR

Album is public


Selected Photo: Entrance

This is the road leading into the cemetery.

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